At Atomic, we want to help you spread the word about your brand. We do that through awesome-looking websites and killer social media strategy. But we also do it the old-fashioned way: by creating and distributing press releases.
Press releases are a great way to build brand awareness. They’re perfect for letting people know about a cool new website or upcoming product launch. Their format has changed plenty since the snail mail days: now, press releases are media-rich, and built with sharing in mind. (Today’s press release isn’t complete without a custom hashtag, a tweet-worthy title, high-quality images and video, and links to social sites.)
We write and distribute content to press release companies, who then share info with relevant news outlets. News can get picked up by anyone from bloggers to traditional journalists in print or broadcast media. But like every other corner of the content world, there are plenty of people out there trying to game the system, manipulating distribution services to boost exposure.
News wires are starting to fight back, which is good news for the rest of us. Until then, we tell our clients this: focus on content. If it’s unique, creative, and informative, the links will come. Here are some of our other musts for creating a quality release:
• Present a legitimate news angle. If it’s not new or timely, journalists won’t be interested. Ditto releases that copy previously submitted content.
• Give proper attribution. Correctly name key players (don’t forget to check spelling!), and clearly describe who did what.
• Use an objective tone. Save casual, first-person language for blogging—it doesn’t belong in a news release.
• Be free of ‘salesy’ language. You know what I’m talking about: “Are YOU looking for ways to make money online??” “Buy now!!!” Don’t do it.
• Not contain excessive links. Direct readers to your content—not all over the Web.
• Be at least 250 words. The more detail and depth you offer, the better writers can describe your brand—and the greater your chances of getting picked up.
In a world of oversharing and SEO, you might think that press releases don’t matter much. But it’s actually the opposite: successful press releases lead to instant web traffic. They also raise trust in your brand—among journalists, customers, and Google alike.
Need help creating a headline-grabbing digital press release? Contact Atomic, and we’ll help you out.