Google “Twitter for business,” and you’ll instantly find about a zillion articles on why companies, politicians, and nonprofits around the world are using this tiny tool to talk with their customers. Not to jump on the bandwagon . . . but we agree. Twitter is indeed an easy-to-use, low-cost way to create a dialogue with your customers . . . let them know what’s going on with your business . . . and hear their concerns, complaints, and cheers.
If you don’t know what Twitter is by now, here’s the deal. Twitter is a social messaging app that lets you post short, 140-character updates about your life or business. Friends and customers can sign up to “follow” you, and get your updates on their phone or computer.
We wrote recently about how lots of companies don’t get how social media relates to their kind of business. We think that when used strategically, social media, and Twitter particularly, can be a great part of just about any company’s marketing program. For example:
- A manufacturer could Tweet about new technologies they’re checking out at a tradeshow
- A publisher could Tweet about new titles hitting the market
- A retailer could Tweet about items on sale that week
- A restaurant or bar could Tweet about its daily specials
- A construction firm could Tweet about cool new projects it’s working on
And Twitter isn’t only being used for marketing and PR. Companies like Comcast and Dell are effectively using Twitter to help with customer service . . . finding another way to connect with users and answer their questions quickly and simply.
Once you start thinking about all the ideas, facts, and tips you could share with your customers daily . . . in snippets of only 140 words . . . the possibilities get really exciting really fast.
Want to follow us on Twitter? Go to Promise we’ll follow you back.
(And of course, if you want to talk with us about using Twitter for your business, don’t hesitate to be in touch.)